
The Preggo

I’ve kept track of some of my symptoms and such so I thought I’d post a few from the past few weeks. I’m still not comfortable taking belly shots. I just look so fat and not pregnant yet. The belly is getting there but not quite.

How far along? 8 Weeks
Total weight gain: 2 lbs
Maternity clothes? the bella band (although I think this thing is a joke), a pair of maternity jeans and a few other tops
Stretch marks? Yes but I’m prone to them. Sucks!
Sleep: I am extremely tired. Falling asleep is much easier than pre-pregnancy. Waking up 2 to 3 times a night to go pee. My hips are sore so finding a comfortable position is getting harder.
Best moment this week: My husband asking me, “So tell me what’s going on with our baby this week.” We were talking on the phone while he was driving home from work. I read him the babycenter.com 8 week breakdown. He was impressed with our little kidney bean.
Miss Anything? Wine. My holiday mojo. Energy.
Movement: Too early.
Food cravings: Not really.
Anything making you queasy or sick: The meat isle at the grocery store. Veggies, particularly broccoli.
Gender: Too early – husband thinks boy.
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: Really sore boobs, nausea, fatigue, a bit of indigestion, hip pain, round ligament pain, belly is already starting to grow
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: mostly happy
Looking forward to: My 11 week ultrasound. Hoping that this little one shows up nice and healthy and that we pass the 1st trimester mark with flying colors.

How far along? 10 Weeks
Total weight gain: 0 lbs (was up 2 lbs but lost 2 since last weigh in)
Maternity clothes? 2 bella bands, 2 pairs of maternity jeans and I bought a few more tops and sweaters
Stretch marks? No new ones
Sleep: Exhausted but not having great quality sleep. Too many trips to the restroom, dangit.
Best moment this week: Feeling my uterus stretch. Weird but gives me hope that our little one is growing and that this pregnancy is progressing normally.
Miss Anything? Wine. Energy. Sex.
Movement: Too early.
Food cravings: Grandy’s.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Eating in general. The meat isle at the grocery store. Veggies, particularly broccoli.
Gender: Too early – husband thinks boy.
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: Bad nausea, super bad fatigue, a bit of indigestion, round ligament pain, belly is growing more. Had some hip pain and sciatica issues last week but that has passed – thank you, Jesus!
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: mostly happy
Looking forward to: My 11 week ultrasound. Hoping that this little one shows up nice and healthy and that we pass the 1st trimester mark with flying colors. 

How far along? 12 Weeks
Total weight gain: 3 lbs
Maternity clothes? Yes – buying stuff almost every week. I love to shop, what can I say?
Stretch marks? A couple more… 🙁
Sleep: No trouble falling asleep but still too many trips to pee in the middle of the night…
Best moment this week: Seeing the baby at the 11 week Ultrasound with a heartbeat of 174 beats/min although the little snuggle bug didn’t move hardly at all so I have to get another sono. Also, my husband always joking that he wants full custody. So cute.
Miss Anything? Still – Wine. Energy. Sex.
Movement: Too early but I do feel flutters. Not sure if it’s my Ute growing or what.
Food cravings: sopapillas with honey even though I haven’t eaten any. I really want some.
Anything making you queasy or sick: My retainer. Suddenly the plastic in my mouth is grossing me out.
Gender: Not yet…
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: Some nausea and I’m still tired but that is getting better. A bit dizzy this week. Some round ligament pain.
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: happy
Looking forward to: My 12 week ultrasound and seeing the baby move. Need to eat breakfast and drink juice to give the little one some energy.