
Sneak Peak: Safari Shower

I’m planning a baby shower for my cousin who is due in March.  The shower is actually this Saturday and I am so excited.  Seems like I’m more excited than the mom to be.  Hmm…this has happened to me before when planning other showers.  But I digress.  My purpose here is to share some teaser pics of a couple of projects and goodies.
My inspiration board – she’s having a girl, obviously.
The invites I designed and printed
Some decor goodies from partypail.com
The cute little banner I designed with her little baby’s name.
The shower will be at a rented space which I haven’t seen in person but I know me and my co-host SJ will make it work.  I love parties and giving people parties.  Sometimes I feel like people don’t know what all goes into throwing parties and it makes me feel a bit unappreciated but at the end of the day, throwing a party in honor of someone is a gift to them.  I like to give so I’m going to keep it up.  Pics after the event!