
14 Week Bumpdate

How far
14 Weeks 5 days
Total weight gain:  6 lbs (eek)
  Yes – Wearing some non-maternity tops but nothing
but maternity bottoms.  I can’t have
anything tight on this belly.
Stretch marks?  No new ones
Sleep:  No
trouble falling asleep and getting
slightly better about the bathroom trips…I may be down to 3 instead of 5 in the middle of the night
Best moment this week:  Finding out the gender this early!!! And hearing
that heartbeat.  Such a cool sound.  Also, NT results were normal so that was good
to know.
Miss Anything?  Still – Wine.  Sushi.  Energy. 
early still…I feel flutters – not gas.  I know what gas feels like.
Food cravings:  Guacamole
and more guacamole
Anything making you queasy or
  Pizza.  I just cannot eat pizza.  Probably a good thing but not even California
Pizza Kitchen pizza???
Gender:  Boy!!!
Labor Signs:  No
Symptoms:  Hardly any
nausea – maybe once or twice a week.  Lots
of round
ligament pain and hip pain.  More tired
this week than last week but not as exhausted as first trimester.
Belly Button in or out?  in
Wedding rings on or off?  on
Happy or Moody
most of the time:
Looking forward to:  Next Ultra sound at 17 weeks.  The
extra sonogram pics are really cool.