
16 Week Bumpdate

How far
16 Weeks
Total weight gain:  I don’t want to say – it’s too much.  But I swear I don’t look that bad…yet.
  Yes – buying a few items every couple of weeks.  Still able to mix existing tops with
maternity jeans and leggings.
Stretch marks?  A few new
Sleep:  I’m
staying up too late and suffering for it but I’m just a night owl.  It’s hard to change a lifetime of
behavior.  The bathroom trips are
Best moment this week:  Thinking I may have felt Dax move and Felton saying,
“That’s my dude.”  And hearing his little
heartbeat at my regular OB visit.
Miss Anything?  Wine.  Sushi.  Energy.
  I think
so but not sure quite yet.
Food cravings:  none
really this week.
Anything making you queasy or
Gender:  Boy
Labor Signs:  No
Symptoms:  A few bouts
of nausea – not happy about this.  Lots
of round
ligament pain.  Less tired than last week
but still tired.
Belly Button in or out?  in
Wedding rings on or off?  on
Happy or Moody
most of the time:
  happy but getting more emotional lately.
Looking forward to:  Next Ultra sound next week (at 17 weeks).