
The Last Bumpdate

I am 37 weeks today – technically full-term.  Whew!  I feel like I have been pregnant for 5 years.  This has been long and it is still not over but I tell you, I cannot wait for my little man to meet me in the outside world.  I had a Dr.s’ appointment today and it looks like we are not going to my due date.  We’ll have the little one by 39 weeks if not sooner.  Yee haw!  Baby Dax looks great and passed his BioPhysical today.  He’s had 4 and he’s always passed immediately.  Already an overachiever.  I am measuring a week behind but again, all is good.  Looking forward to my 75th sono next week so I can see my baby yet again.  Hopefully I don’t go into labor before that.  My apartment is a disaster.  The nesting gene, I do not have apparently.  We did set-up baby’s bassinet and all his clothing and blankets are washed and waiting.  My last day of work is next Friday.  Anticipation…
Sorry so late with the bumpdate.  Here is last week – 36 weeks and this is the last one: 
How far
36 Weeks.
Total weight gain:  We are over 30 lbs… 😐
Maternity clothes?  Yes. 
Stretch marks?  Same old same
Sleep:  Not
well at all…
Best moment this week:  Seeing baby Dax on another Sono – I’ve had
like 50.  Crazy.
Miss Anything?  Everything pre-pregnancy
  Lots of
squirms and turns
Food cravings:  My
grandmother’s Fried Chicken  🙁
Anything making you queasy or
and orange juice again
Gender:  Still a Boy
Labor Signs:  No
Symptoms:  Heartburn.  Fatigue.  Sciatica. 
Hip Pain.  Heartburn.  Braxton Hicks.  Edema – especially my feet.  They are swole up!  I literally have to pee every 15
minutes.  Literally at 7:13 a.m. then again
at 7:28 a.m. then again at 7:43 a.m.  Literally.  Heartburn.
Belly Button in or out?  Still in – it’s like a cavern.  I don’t think we will have an outie.  Ever.
Wedding rings on or off?  Off. 
Happy or Moody
most of the time:
  Happy but moody sometimes.
Looking forward to:  Finishing settling in the apartment so I can relax before this baby comes!