
Campaign Trail

I’m on a mission.  I
need to convince my husband to let us get a French Bulldog (hereafter referred
to as a Frenchie) when the baby turns one-ish. 
He just doesn’t like them or any brachycephalic dog really.  We watched Dogs 101 on Animal Planet and it
helped my case a bit.  But not
enough.  Yes, he learned that they are
affectionate and relatively low key.  But
he still says no.  So rude. 
So now, my almost ten month campaign begins.  Must convince Felton to let me get the little
doggie of my dreams.  Here’s how I
Start wearing this sweater:

-Send him lots of pictures of Frenchie puppies (they are
adorable beyond!)

-Send him even more Youtube videos of Frenchies playing with
-Decorate Dax’s nursery with a Frenchie theme.  Ok, probably not going to do this but it’s still
-Find Frenchie owners who will give me testimonials about
what wonderful pets they make and give an overview of these to Felton once month.  

I think my tenancity will help me with this endeavor.  If not, my back-up dog is a Lab.