
Slim in Sixty

I have steadily lost weight after the baby but at a snails pace.  Granted, I’ve only worked out twice since having the baby but I’m trying to get motivated to do a lot more.  Luckily, I only have one size to go.  Major motivations are fashion, of course.  While Girl with Curves can make anything look good, she has a great figure.  Right now, I do not.  So I’m not necessarily upset about being larger than normal, but my shape is all whacked out.  Need to get these stomach muscles working again.  Also, I have a destination wedding to attend next summer in the Dominican Republic that I am so excited for.  I need to make sure I look nice for my cousin as I am her Matron of Honor but I need to look nice for my hubs and for a swimsuit as well, although it will certainly be a one-peice.  I don’t have time to get my stretch marks lasered before then.  Ha!

“They” say give yourself time, don’t set time limits on postpartum weight loss and the baby is worth it.  Yes the baby is worth it but it still doesn’t mean I’m content looking the way I do.  I want Dax to have a cute mom – no frumps allowed.  I am a bit depressed about my body right now.  It’s just a fact.  I’m trying not to obsess especially since I can do more about it.  So, I’m giving myself two months to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight, which was still overweight anyway but at least I have styilsh clothes I can wear.  And in the months following, I will continue to work out, shape up and get healthy.  This post is for accountability.  I’m putting it out here in the blogosphere and so it shall be.    

2 thoughts on “Slim in Sixty

  1. You just have to be patient and give it some time. You didn't gain all of you baby weight in two months so it may not all come off in two months. Be sure to set realistic goals and stay motivated. Personally, I almost gave up on losing weight after working my arse off because I wasn't seeing results. Finally, in week 4 I'm starting to notice a difference and it gotten me even more motivated. Keep your head up and stay consistent!

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