
Another Weekend

I attended a super fun wedding this past Saturday with my husband.  My dear friend was married to her long time-friend and now love (they have known each other since Kindergarten)!  After some torrential rain and lots of prayers for our lives while driving to the venue, we were able to relax and enjoy Michelle & Justin’s wedding.  I was even able to capture a double rainbow outside right after the ceremony.  Talk about special!  It was such a fun, joyous and loved-filled evening that I had to share pics. 
Rainbows in McKinney, TX

Loved their photo booth (winksmilepics.com).

So I thought everyone was going to make a funny face… brats!
The besties with the bride.  Lovely!
My man was a party pooper – he didn’t want to use any of the props.  Dress: J.Crew bought last year – been waiting for the occasion to wear it (and fit it!) (similar here and here)
Follow me on Instagram for more pics.