
Not Feeling Very FIT

I have spread myself a bit thin these days by taking an online course at FIT New York – Intro to Fashion Styling.  I absolutely love it.  I can’t wait to share my final project with you – it’s not due until May 24 so stay tuned.  But I just wanted to share how busy I’ve been and of course my little blog has suffered.  I was going to continue on with the classes in pursuit of an online Image Consulting Certificate.  Now, I’m rethinking.  Working full-time with a toddler is not my idea of a good life (for me – you do what you want).  I think I have to re-evaluate some work choices before I continue with my education.  I’m so tired and grumpy these days (more than usual, ok) and I know my poor husband is trying to help me as best he can.  Unfortunately, he can’t help me feel fulfilled in my career life and that’s what I’m trying to work on.  

Family – great.  Friends – fantastic.  Work/Career… wah wah.  I’ve got a lot to plan out and sort out but I have some big changes coming up.  Everyday I ask God for strength and he’s giving it to me but man, when I think about all the time I’m away from my Dax everyday, it makes me sad.  It’s too much.  I want to be present in his life way more than I am now and especially if I have another little one.  Don’t get your hopes up – no plans have been made to pop out another little yet!

What does your ideal work-life balance look like?  For me, it’s way more family time and time for myself than working for someone else.  I wish it was easier!

2 thoughts on “Not Feeling Very FIT

  1. Girl, I feel you. Working for "someone else" gets you a nice paycheck if you're lucky and a pretty predictable life, but man, can it get boring! And routine, and dull, and you get kind of…stuck sometimes. I just decided I need to explore around my own head/heart for what I really want. It may still include working for the Man, but maybe in a different career that speaks to me and engages me more than just going through the motions at a job. Good luck!!

    1. Good for you! Even a small creative outlet can help bring more peace in your heart. I'm looking forward to some changes as well. I may still have to work for the man too but hopefully I'll be able to devote more time to this woman – me!

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