
Beauty Reviews and Randoms

Happy October!
photo via Evanscounty.org

This is my favorite month of the year and it certainly starts off my favorite time of the year.  I love when Daylight Savings ends and I get my hour back.  I love the cool crisp air (which finally arrived here in Dallas yesterday morning, sort of).  And I most certainly love all the Holidays that are coming up.  

My son, not so much.  This morning, he wore pants for the first time in several months and literally had a conniption.  Literally – here’s the definition of conniption and that is what he had.  He wanted to wear shorts.  I tried to reason with him, letting him know it was cooler outside and he was going to have to start wearing pants and jackets.  Mentioning jackets took him over the edge.  Why did I do that?  In the end, he wore the pants because I’m the mom and that’s how we roll at Casa de Cochran-Evans.  

So dealing with an “old toddler” as I like to call him, may not be cool but the weather is and so is my attitude.  I’ve been trying harder lately to put on a good face and be more into the way I look.  I need more vanity in my life, people.  I thought I would give you a peek into some products I’ve been using for the past month or so.  


On my nails is ‘Berlin There Done That’ from OPI and it was a birthday gift.  Adore the
beigey, purple grey and it dries in a decent amount of time.

My current moisturizer is
Sulwhasoo’s Timetreasure Renovating Cream.  Let me make a quick
disclaimer and say that the 60ml size is ex-peh-hen-sive!  I am
fortunate enough to have quite a few samples on hand and a small amount
of this goes a long way.  It is very rich.  Smells like mushrooms to me
so I only use it at night. 

The Prada Candy fragrance is c/o the Vogue Influencer Network.  I’ve been wearing it for about two weeks now.  I tend to like “darker” fragrances but this one manages to be light and airy while still invoking notes of caramel, musk and vanilla that I enjoy.

This lovely little eye palette was also a birthday gift and I love the colors.  Yes, I have sweet friends!  It’s the Profusion Runway Eyeshadow Glamour Palette in Berry Bloom.   I’m not so much into Marsala even though Pantone
tells me I should be (I’m still on an oxblood kick – more on that below) but this palette works great with darker fall colors. 


Speaking of Oxblood, I’m pulling out my new handbag next week.  The Coach Scout Hobo in oxblood.  It’s a decent size and my alternative to black for now.  I’ll do an outfit post or two with it soon.

Today’s #Shoefie.  I love these old Nine West Animal print flats.  The square toe makes your feet look smaller.  Not a bad thing. – just sayin’.  Find similar styles here and here!

Go follow me on Instagram, won’t you?

2 thoughts on “Beauty Reviews and Randoms

  1. Oooooh I like that bag! I need to start doing the fall switch out in my closet…put away all the sandals and summer tops and bust out boots and sweaters…even though it's going to be above 80 degrees all week! Hurry up fall!

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