
Joyeux Noël

Joyeux Noël ~ Merry Christmas everyone!

Our awesome Christmas cards from Minted!
I love this time of year and what Christmas means (or is supposed to mean).  Driving around looking at Christmas lights with Dax is one of my favorite activities and the hubs and I have made this an annual tradition.  Giving, being charitable and cooking for others also makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.  Going outside in this sunny, 60 degree weather can account for that feeling as well.  Texas.  Gotta love an unseasonably warm winter so far.  Not really.  I want it cold!
Aside from weather disappointment, I have so much to be grateful for.  There were some tough moments we went through as a family that maybe I’ll share in a later post, but the Evans folks are ready for whatever the next year brings us.  We are happy and hopeful.  I hope this season and the next year finds you all happy and hopeful as well.  Be blessed.  Merry Christmas ~ Joyeux Noël!!