
Progress Report

We are down 16 pounds since early January.  By we, I mean me/I.  I just like to say “we” because it feels so inclusive.  Cereals – I’m proud of my commitment and progress.  I weigh less now than may pre-Dax weight (only by a pound but still).  I wanted to share with you a bit more about how I’m losing weight, the slow and steady way. 
is  sample food journal.  I’m not depriving myself of yummy foods but I
am eating way less food in general and have tried to introduce more
veggies – still love my Shakeology even though I’m no longer a Beachbody Coach.  My weakness is snacks and sweets.  I can compare my snacking these days to how I used to eat and I know a large sum of my calories used to come from snacks.  They add up and sneak up on you.  My daily calorie goal is now at 1480, which is super low for me.  I admit, I’m hungry all the time but my will power is sta-wrong right now.  I do go over my limit every now and again but this is my goal in order to lose 1.5 pounds per week.  I haven’t decided if I want to change my goal back to a pound a week again or not.

I also walk (in-home and around the neighborhood), attend Zumba once and awhile (LOVE!!), do squats and crunches and just try to move a bit more throughout my day at work.  I think I’m finally ready to start an actual workout program again.  If you’ve read my blog in the past, you may know that I love the Slim in 6 program.  I think I will start with that.  It’s always good to feel strong and tone in addition to losing weight and that program did that for me on different occasions in the past.    
My ultimate goal is to lose 30 more pounds but as we officially re-started trying to get pregnant, not sure how that is gonna work out if I do indeed get knocked up.  At least I’ll have started some healthier eating habits and hopefully won’t gain almost 40 pounds like I did with Dax. 
Before and after pics coming up soon.  Promise.  

Do you have any stories about how you are working on some goals or resolutions you made this year?  I’d love to hear about it!