
Getting Things Done

Today was not a typical Sunday for me.  Usually, I do loads upon loads of laundry in between entertaining the kid and the bigger kid (aka the hubs), pretty much all day long.  On this Spring Sunday however, I decided to tackle a few tasks that needed to get done.

First off, my little family is going on a long weekend vacation in a few short weeks to lovely Lake Travis, near Austin, TX so I took some time this morning to do some outfit planning for myself.  Dax is too easy.  I’m bringing swim trunks, flip-flops, tees, shorts and sweats (in case there is a cool night breeze) and his new favorite fisherman hat so we’re good.  The Mr. is on his own (but I did check with him to make sure he has swim trunks and shorts).  I’ve become a decent packer in the last few years and have gotten so much better at not procrastinating.  I still have one packing bugaboo, however:  Shoes!  They take up so much room but I need them ALL.  I do pack them in dust bags, at least. 

I just got together a few items for myself to get the planning and packing process started.  This ginormous tote from RH has come in handy for several trips.  I love it.  I’ll be sure to update Instagram with more outfits as I add them to my packing list.

I had to share a close-up of the print on this kimono topper.  Love!  It’s from my dear fiend’s boutique via her store, All Things Fashion Facebook Auctions.

Also, if you read The Cocooners regularly, you may have noticed the blog looks a bit different.  I finally upgraded to a more sophisticated template via Blogaholics, and I could not be happier.  I’ve been meaning to do it for some time and today was the day.  Check out the sidebar for more goodies that have been added and please let me know if you like the new design (if you even noticed)!

Finally, and begrudgingly, we did our taxes.  So.  Much.  Fun.  We owe every year so we wait until the last minute, hah.  Small business taxes can take a while to figure out but luckily, I took care of my part a few weeks ago.  Still, a fait accompli!

I feel good about crossing these items off my To-Do list.  Don’t you feel so much better when you get things done?  Do you have any packing tips for me, especially when it comes to shoes?  I’d love to read them.