
What do Mila Kunis, Kerry Washington, Blake Lively and I have in common?

We’re all pregnant!  I’m almost 13 weeks and am huge already so why not share.  No, I don’t have a cute little picture to post because I’m tired and just don’t.  You’ll live. There are plenty of others on Pinterest if you just have to get a visual.  We’re praying that everything goes well and we feel so blessed and excited.  Dax doesn’t need to be an only child.  Trust me on this.  Please pray for us as this is always a very anxious time for me.  I worry a lot. Also pray that I stop worrying!

Because I’m old (being old and pregnant is the new black) and high-risk for other reasons, we had the QNatal test and already know the gender of our wee one to be.  So, if you want to know too, then follow me on Instagram – @thecocooners – where I will do the gender reveal at 3:00 p.m. today, CST.

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