
Baby Boy #2 – 20 Week Bumpdate

20 Weeks via Instagram, dress: Old Navy
How far along?  in this pic – 20 weeks (now, 21 weeks 3 days – sorry so late!)

Total weight gain:  15 lbs. 

Maternity clothes?  Yes but I am still able to wear some non-maternity items.  

Stretch marks?  No new ones.

Sleep:  I’ll always be a night owl.  I stay fairly tired but I’m trying to go to sleep earlier.  

Best moment this week:  Sono and seeing Little Brother move and groove.

Miss Anything?  Wine.  Sushi.  Energy.  Deli Sandwiches.  Wine… 

Movement:  Oh yeah.

Food cravings:  Not lately but I did want chocolate cake for my b-day last week.  Not sure that has anything to do with pregnancy.  I love chocolate all day, err day!

Anything making you queasy or sick:  No.  I have a bit of nausea one day every week or so but nothing like the 1st trimester.  Thank you, Jesus!

Gender:  Boy!

Labor Signs:  No

Symptoms:  Huge belly.  Lots of nether region pain.  Still tired. 

Belly Button in or out?  In

Wedding rings on or off?  On

Happy or Moody most of the time:  Mostly happy.

Looking forward to:  Deciding on a name!!  Planning the nursery and meeting Little Brother, of course.

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