
Apologies to My Peeps: Sep 29

photo via Helene in Between

Please forgive my lack of consistent posting.  I’ve had some new bouts of exhaustion, fatigue, extreme tiredness – whatever you want to call it – creep up on me the past couple of weeks.  I’m measuring a couple of weeks early and carrying quite high this time around so I already can’t breath!  This is so different from my pregnancy with Dax.  He was always low and his head was always down.

But I digress.  I just wanted to let you all, my awesome and loyal readers, know that I’m here.  I have some outfit posts and some really informative posts planned for the very near future.  I’m also planning on starting a virtual bible study that I’m excited about.  I was inspired by Katey of Chronicles of Frivolity (she’s my newest blogger crush).  So pray for me that I get some energy to do all this stuff.  It’s hard being a dreamer who actually wants to take action, right!  

If anyone has any tips on hosting a virtual bible study, I’d love to hear about it.  Please comment below and don’t forget to follow me on Instagram for content you won’t see here on the blog.

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