
Stitch Fix Maternity

Have you heard of Stitch Fix?  I have but I had no idea that it offered Maternity options!   How cool is that?   You have to love variety.   I’ve heard great things about it.  I just signed up today.  I received a discount to try the service and am excited to share my experience with you once I receive my first Fix!  

In case you haven’t heard of it, here’s a rundown of what Stitch Fix is all about.  It is similar to an online clothing subscription designed to provide personal styling services for women.   However, you can cancel at any time and you can schedule one delivery or sign up for automatic monthly deliveries.  You pay a $20 styling fee for each box aka “Fix”, which also includes delivery.  The styling fee is applied as a credit towards any items you keep.   If you purchase everything in your box, you receive 25% off the entire purchase.  It’s great for busy women who don’t really have time, or like me, the desire to shop in brick and mortar store or the mall.  I do 99% of my shopping online anyway so I thought this would be great to try out.  And knowing they have maternity options is such perfect timing!

My first Fix arrives in about 2 weeks so look for my review post.  I think they send about five pieces so I’m sure at least one or two will work for this big belly mama. Have you tried Stitch Fix before?  If so, I’d love to know about your experience and what you thought.
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