
Baby Boy #2 – 33 Week Bumpdate

How far along? 33 weeks 

Total weight gain:  27 lbs. (Yikes!)

Maternity clothes?  Yes but I am still able to wear some non-maternity sweaters.

Stretch marks?  Nope – Dax took care of stretching out my belly so no new ones, lol!

Sleep: Not so great.  It’s all the bathroom trips.

Best moment this week:  Seeing Dax get more comfortable with the idea of Little Brother.

Miss Anything?  Yes – same stuff: wine, sushi, energy, not waddling.

Movement:  Lots of fairly uncomfortable kicks.

Food cravings:  Not really.  

Anything making you queasy or sick:  Not really.

Gender: Boy!

Labor Signs:  No

Symptoms:  All 3rd trimester symptoms.  All of them.

Belly Button in or out?  In, but my husband and I may bet on this soon.  He doesn’t think it will pop but I think it might this time.

Wedding rings on or off?  On.

Happy or Moody most of the time:  Mostly happy but I get irritated with a quickness.

Looking forward to:  My Baby Sprinkle this Saturday.  ðŸ™‚

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