
Let the Countdown Begin

Happy December!  Today is December 1st and I have a really important countdown to share with you.

Yes, only 19 more days until Baby Briggs is “scheduled” to enter this world.  I love saying that.  It still makes people unconformable when I tell them I’m having a scheduled c-section.  People are weird and need to get over themselves.  Technically my Due Date is Christmas Day but the 21st is the earliest my Doc will get in there and get this little one out.

I’m hoping recovery this time will be much easier.  Click here to go back and read Dax’s Birth story and reminisce with me about how horrible my recovery was last time.  Having an emergency c-section was no bueno and I was convinced I didn’t ever want to go through that again.  Oh, how time changes things.  I’m so excited for this little one to get here right before Christmas.  I’m praying every day that he’s growing well and that Dax bonds with him.

I still can’t wrap my head around having two boys!  Our household is going to be full of burps and stinky feet and cars!  Hey, at least I’ll be the center of attention.  That’s the way a true Narcissist would look at it, ha!

It’s also exciting that Christmas is right around the corner.  We made sure to tell Dax that he has to give away some of his toys in order to get new ones for Christmas.  We don’t do much in the way of Santa which I get some flack for, but whatevs.  Santa’s not my fave.  Dax knows Santa and we read ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas so it’s not like he’s banned from our home but we just don’t perpetuate the Santa talk.  Christmas is about Jesus for us and we want to make sure to instill that in Dax as early as possible, which is now!  Christmas is my favorite holiday but I want Dax to know it’s about more than just getting.  It’s about giving and not to just your family but to others, even strangers.  
How do you instill the meaning of Christmas with your kiddos?  In what ways do you give to others?  Do you participate in Toys for Tots, Angel Trees or serving at shelters?  I’m always looking for ideas.

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