
Jesus is the Best Superhero

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What a crazy few weeks I’ve had.  I’m so sorry to have been M-I-A on here but let me explain.  First, we had a major layoff at my job and it caused a bit of stress and frankly, a lot of soul searching.  I am now doing the work of 2 people and I’m not too happy about it.  More later.  Then, I got sick.  I had a terrible bout of indigestion, vomiting and upper abdominal pain a couple of weeks ago and went to the ER.  Turns out, I had a gallbladder attack.  It was so bad and painful.  So fast forward to last week and your girl here had emergency surgery to remove my nasty gallbladder.  Surgery was a relief.  I felt so much better.  I’m still in a bit of pain this week but I’m back at work and can pick up my big little 5 month old after a week (that was miserable).  Apparently, pregnancy can exacerbate gallbladder issues.  Awesome.  We really do go through a lot for our kiddos, don’t we!

Thank you to all my family and friends for your prayers and texts.  Special shout out to my husband – I mean dude has been amaze-a-zing and to my mommy for being there especially since I could not pick up my baby Briggs and to Basically Joy for “basically” taking care of me and my kiddos when I was at my sickest.  You know what you did and I am grateful to call you friend!  I’d never been through anything like this before so it was a bit scary but I had faith that everything would turn out ok and I was right.  I feel like a new woman.  I’ve lost 9 pounds (getting sick is the best diet ever) and hopefully getting that sludgy infected gallbladder out of my system will help my metabolism and digestion run smoothly now.
Speaking of faith, I wanted to share a cute story about my son Dax, the 4 1/2 year old.  We are reading this Bible stories book before his bedtime right now and last night’s story was “Finding The Lost” and it was about Jesus telling the Pharisees parables about why he hung out with sinners.  So Dax points to a picture of Jesus and asks me, “Is Jesus a good guy?”  I said, “Yes, Buddy.  He’s the best guy ever.”  We read a bit more and then he says, “Mommy, Jesus is like Hawkeye and helps people.”  I laughed so hard.  Hawkeye is from the Avengers and Dax is very into Superheroes now.  So all I could say is, “Yes, baby, he’s like Hawkeye and helps people but remember, Jesus is the Best Superhero of them all.”  He nodded his head in agreement and we finished the story.  Too cute!!  Love this book, by the way and so does Dax.  Each story takes about 5 minutes and he stays pretty engaged.  Link below.
So I’ll be back with some more regularly scheduled bloggy business soon. Don’t you worry.  Also, feel free to ask me any questions about my surgery. I didn’t want to go into too much detail in case you are not here for that but if you are, I’m an open book.  XoXo!!

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