
10 Things You Don’t Know About Me

Thanks to Google Analytics, I know I have several new readers here on The Cocooners (woo hoo)!  So I wanted to share 10 fun facts about me in the hope that you get to know me a bit better and find me more relateable (perhaps, I can be an odd bird at times but I like that about myself).

1}  Disco is may favorite genre of music, hands down.  I love it.  K.C. and the Sunshine Band can do no wrong!

2}  I have an IMDB page.  I was in a small film way back in the day when I was “acting and modeling”.  This makes me laugh when I think about.  It helps me pretend I’m famous as well.

3}  My mom is African American and my dad is Caucasian and both have traceable Native American ancestry.  I love being multi-racial. 

4}  I love wine.  I don’t drink near as much as I did before my gallbladder surgery but I still love it.  That is all.

5} I have Foot in Mouth Disease.  I am a quick thinker and sometimes (often) I say things without pause and not thinking it through which gets me in trouble.  Sometimes I feel bad, sometimes I don’t.  Hey, it’s a disease.

6}  Everyone on Instagram loves light, bright and airy pictures and I’m over here like “keep it dark and sexy, please!”  I prefer the blinds and curtains drawn closed at home.  I like it dark.  Black is the new black.  I’m a Night Owl.  Are you picking up what I’m putting down?

7} The words tenacious and stubborn have been used to describe me but mostly in a positive way.  If I want something, I’ll go for it with gusto!

8}  I am a super loyal friend.  If you are good people and put effort in with me – you get a 100%.  But I ain’t got time for fake ones.  We have a no drama policy for 2017 and beyond.

9}  Shoes give me life.  I love shoes.  Obsessed with shoes.  I will sit in my closet and sniff leather shoes.  Polishing shoes gives me joy.  Shoe shopping is life.  I love shoes.

10}  I’m super silly and immature and you know what, it keeps me young!  Life is too short to be super serious all the time.  I love to laugh and sarcasm is my second language.

Now tell me at least one fun fact about you in the comments!!

5 thoughts on “10 Things You Don’t Know About Me

  1. You forgot to say you're beautiful! Being a parent is the most amazing thing God has ever allowed me to do …its something I took for granted when I was younger …but I treasure every day now.

    1. You are so sweet. TY! You know it's never too late to be grateful. And I'm with you – being a mom is my greatest joy. But that's nothing new. I talk about it all the time, lol!

  2. It's nice to know that you are a loyal friend. That is super rare nowadays. One fun fact about me is that I rather post random photos on instagram rather than facebook. it's a weird fact, but hey, for me it's a fun fact!

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