Food & Entertaining

Bundt Cake Bread Pudding for Friendsgiving Brunch

I’m going to be honest here, this is not much of a Friendsgiving Brunch Recap.  I forgot to take pictures!  Who, but me, plans a Brunch for her blog and forgets to take pictures?  Do better girl, do better.  However, I did manage to capture my delicious Bundt Cake Bread Pudding.
I was running late and chatting and cooking at the same time.  I totally forgot about pictures.  And what ended up happening?  I had a great time!  Funny how that happens when you are in the moment and not worried about social media or blogging.  But now I’m in deep regret mode.  I was able to get a couple of selfies with the homies at least!
Friendsgiving Brunch
As promised, I did come through and take some pictures of the Bundt cake bread pudding I made for our Friendsgiving Brunch.  I decided to make it in a bundt pan versus a casserole dish.  My only issue with this is that the custard settled in the bottom of the pan (what would be the top of the cake when inverted) and was very eggy, delicious, but eggy.  I think if I had been more patient and let the bread soak up the custard more, it wouldn’t have been so eggy on the top but it was still very good.  I’ve made this before in a casserole and if I make it again, it will be in a casserole dish.  Word to the wise. Recipe below:
Bundt cake bread pudding for Friendsgiving brunch
Bundt cake bread pudding for Friendsgiving brunch
12 slices raisin nut bread
1/2 cup butter, at room temperature
2 butter croissants, sliced lengthwise, into 1/4″ slices
6 large eggs
1 cup sugar
1/8 teaspoon sugar
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
4 cups light cream or half and half
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/8 teaspoon ground nutmeg
  • Preheat oven to 325°.
  • Butter sides and bottom of 13″ x 9″ baking pan.
  • Butter one side of each bread slice and layer in pan alternately with croissants (6 slices bread, croissant slices, 6 slices bread).
  • In large bowl with an electric mixer set on med-high speed, beat eggs until slightly thickened, about 5 minutes.
  • Add sugar and vanilla and beat at medium speed until thoroughly combined. Reduce speed to low and add cream; mix until smooth.
  • Pour egg-cream mixture over bread and croissant slices. The slices will absorb egg-cream mixture slowly, so continue adding liquid until all is in pan.
  • In small bowl combine cinnamon, nutmeg and 1/8 teaspoon sugar. Sprinkle sugar-spice mixture over the bread pudding. Fill a baking pan larger than the 13″ x 9″ bread pudding pan halfway up with hot water. Place in oven, set bread pudding pan in the water bath.
  • Bake 45-50 minutes or until custard is set. When set, remove the bread pudding from the oven, and discard water in larger pan. Cool to room temperature. Refrigerate for 2 hours or until firm.

Recipe Source: Mrs. Fields Cookie Book

This Bundt cake bread pudding really is a great recipe and I especially love the use of raisin bread.  The raisins add a textural element that is so good.  This would be great for Thanksgiving, speaking of which…
I hope you and yours have a wonderful day of rest (if you’re not cooking, lol), fellowship, feasting, football and fun.  That was a lot of F’s in use there!  I don’t shop in store on Thanksgiving or Black Friday but if you do, be nice, mind your manners, give grace and get some good deals!  Come back tomorrow for the Black Friday Sales Roundup!  There are lots of deals to be had online.
I sincerely wish you a Happy Thanksgiving!!