
How To Wear Red for the Holidays and Not Look Cheesy

Before I begin, I have to make a bit of a mea culpa.  Remember when I said that here at The Cocooners, I will focus more on lifestyle posts and my new blog, V-Necks and Vices will be more about fashion and parties?  Well, V-Necks and Vices is going to have to wait awhile.  I want to make sure I give The Cocooners all I can and although I’m no longer working outside of the home, I still find myself fairly busy during the day.  Duh, keeping a 10 month old occupied all day is work!  And Dax too after 3 p.m.  So I may have over estimated myself… Apologies, if you care, lol.  If you have no idea what I’m even talking about or could care less where I post about fashion and style, then we can move on and here’s a new Style post just for you.  It’s been a while!
Today, I’m talking about Red!

All over Facebook people are already talking about Christmas decorations, gift shopping and family get togethers.  It’s legit Holiday season y’all and what color do people think of this time of year?  Ok, maybe green but absolutely RED!  And how fortuitous is it that red happens to be a super breakthrough trend for Fall this year?  I for one, love it.  It is just a sexy, powerful color, albeit hard for some people to wear, like me for instance, with my olive skin.  Red is great for green eyes but I have to be very selective with what shade of red I wear or else I look sallow or orange!  Still, I do love red and will definitely be incorporating it into my wardrobe this Fall/Winter season.  I especially love wearing red for the Holidays and Christmas.  It’s festive and fun.  But how do you wear it and stand out without looking cheesy?  Well, you have to pick the right pieces.  

Here’s a bit of style advice that will help you navigate wearing red this season, especially for photo ops, which the Holidays will certainly have an abundance of.

Select modern lines or trendy details so you look fresh.  Try statement sleeves or even velvet.

Pair it with black and grey so you don’t look like a walking Christmas tree.

Don’t always play it safe with nude shoes.

If you wear a chunky sweater, make sure your bottoms are more sleek ~ think skinny trousers or a pencil skirt.

With these easy tips, you can absolutely wear red for the Holidays and not look like you’re working crowd control at the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade!  Are you a fan of red?  In your home decor or with your personal style?  If you are a fan of this bold color, I’ve rounded up some more pieces you can shop below!

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15 thoughts on “How To Wear Red for the Holidays and Not Look Cheesy

  1. That long cardigan is super elegant. I usually were a really elegant piece of jewelry or string of pearls with a red top so I don't look like I forgot my ugly sweater.

  2. I've always struggled to wear red (or bright colours in general). I don't know why – it must be my colouring, but red always seems to look wrong on me haha. I could definitely pair a red cardigan with some grey pieces, though – that seems like it could work for me seeming as the red would be somewhat muted by the grey. Thank you for the inspiration. 🙂

    Christie's Take on Life. xx

    1. I hear ya, Christie. I live in black and grey and I'm not afraid to wear color at all, but it has to look good! Hope to see you in at least a little red this season.

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