
What’s My One Word for 2018

Happy New Year!

I am all in for 2018, are you?  I’m really weird in that I like even number years.  They are the best.  Yes, weird.  If you know me or have read past New Year’s posts, then you know I don’t make resolutions (definition: a firm decision to do or not to do something) just for a New Year.  Semantics aside, I do have some goals and activities I’d like to accomplish in 2018 but I’m not hashing them all out today in efforts to conquer the New Year. However, I am still creating purposeful and meaning monthly goals and I do have a vision of what I want life to look like by the end of the year.

That leads me to how I plan to get to that vision.  With one word.
I came across this post from Margaret Feinberg and was immediately intrigued.  My brain is always on and I have 75 things connecting and sparking all at once at any given time.  So to see the #onewordchallenge for the New Year was a challenge I was up for.  But you know something, it wasn’t challenging for me to find my one word at all.  It came to me after a simple prayer.  “Father God, help me find my one word for 2018 that will lead me to my purpose and fulfill me in your name.”  Simple enough.  And the word that came to me was Flourish.

I want to Flourish this year.

I want a life of abundance.  The good and spiritual kind.  I want lots of love and happy moments and the ability to rise above the difficult moments.  I want my marriage to strengthen even more as we head into our 10th Anniversary.  I want my children, my sweet boys, to grow and learn and be fed by Him.  I want my dreams to become reality and to overflow into new dreams.  I want to live fully and make the most of this precious life He gave to me.

Please read the original post here from Margaret Feinberg that started it all for me and gave me goose bumps.  There are so many deep and meaningful words that could be yours for the New Year or for anytime.  You can also visit MyOneWord.org for more information on this movement.  Faith Gateway also has a great post here that I felt very connected to.  I like their word “Pause” but that’s certainly not my path this year.

Now, what is your one word?  Can you narrow it down to one special word?  Please tell me in the comments and also let me know if you had #oneword for 2017 and how you feel reflecting on it.  

Thank you so much for reading and again, Happy New Year and all the best in the days ahead!!