
Gettin’ It

I am obsessed with working on my fitness.  I’m a Beach Body Coach now and am so thankful for the great results I’ve had while taking Shakeology.  I am 18 pounds away from my pre-baby weight.  This is good news since I was 25 pounds away from it like 3-4 weeks ago and had been… Read More Gettin’ It


Baby Cakes

My sweet little man is eight months old.  How crazy is that?  Time really does fly the first year of a baby’s life.  I think it’s because of how fast they grow in the first year and all the milestones they reach so quickly.  For my Daxie, it will be just around the corner hitting… Read More Baby Cakes


Daxie Baby

I am 11 weeks old today and having a blast! Hitting the 2 1/2 months mark sure is fun.  I eat a lot, about 32 ounces everyday, so I’m a little chunk of love that can do all sorts of things.  My smiles are off the charts.  I coo and “talk” all the time.  Squealing… Read More Daxie Baby