
The Decision

So everyone knows that once you have your first child, the folks start immediately asking, “When are you going to have another one?”  For the longest time, we weren’t sure if we wanted to have another one.  Meaning, I wasn’t sure if I wanted another one.  I prayed so hard for Dax and he’s here. … Read More The Decision


In Translation

When you have a little one who starts repeating everything you say, you have a lot of fun.  First, it’s a hoot when they start talking and they have these little high-pitched voices (Dax’s is actually pretty deep for a baby but still…).  What is even more fun is trying to decipher what they say… Read More In Translation


Grammar Love

I saw the pic below on Pinterest today and thought I would share a funny story. Source: engagedmarriage.com via Shanda on Pinterest On Thanksgiving morning, I put a sticky note on the bathroom mirror so my husband would find it and profess his love for me and tell me how thoughtful and sweet I was. … Read More Grammar Love



Hubs:  (out of nowhere) I’m about to do something controversial. Me: (intrigued)  What’s up babe? Hubs:  …quietly hands me the remote and leaves the room. Hot hilarious mess.