
The Decision

So everyone knows that once you have your first child, the folks start immediately asking, “When are you going to have another one?”  For the longest time, we weren’t sure if we wanted to have another one.  Meaning, I wasn’t sure if I wanted another one.  I prayed so hard for Dax and he’s here. … Read More The Decision



This little one is giving me baby fever! (photo by Shayla Richardson) This little one started it all.  Look at that cute, sweet face.  Dang, I love him! (photo by Shayla Richardson) The closest I came to a nice Easter meal.  Shrimp and Grits at Breadwinners   Organization Success in the bathroom!  I used a… Read More LaterGrams



Here are some bits and pieces of life these days from Instagram. My Tomboy Loafers via Loft.  Love.  To.  Death! Dax’s Crib Converted Our last night at Capella Pedregal – headed to dinner at El Farallon.  Amazing! Loved the pillow in our Capella Room A view from our plunge pool at the resort – Capella… Read More InstaWhat