
Another Weekend

I attended a super fun wedding this past Saturday with my husband.  My dear friend was married to her long time-friend and now love (they have known each other since Kindergarten)!  After some torrential rain and lots of prayers for our lives while driving to the venue, we were able to relax and enjoy Michelle… Read More Another Weekend


It Matters

The handwritten letter is becoming obsolete and it makes me sad. Now, I love email. I would email my dinner straight into my stomach if I could. But just because it is easy and convenient doesn’t mean it’s always the right format. I realize this and challenge myself to do better in the way of… Read More It Matters


On the Cuff

I came across this in the October Issue of Lucky.  Gilded Lace by Monika Knutsson It’s reminiscent of the cuff I made for my wedding.  Of course, mine is the low cost version.  Very interesting.  I guess I should have thought about making more and selling them…  See the original full post to my DIY… Read More On the Cuff