
Relax & Realign 7-Day Positive Affirmation Challenge

FREE Positive Affirmation Challenge
7 days beginning on Sunday, March 25, 2018 through Saturday, March 31, 2018.
If you follow me on Facebook, then you know I’ve recently started living a more well-rounded lifestyle as far as health and wellness. Part of this includes eating better, yoga (obsessed), meditation and affirmations. I have noticed a really positive change in my life even in the mundane day-to-day aspects and I’ve lost a bit of weight. Small changes and victories add up!

If you feel curious about how you may benefit in the same way, then I invite you to join me for a free 7-day Positive Affirmation Challenge. This week will be dedicated to positive self-talk and love.
You’ll receive a summary page of our affirmation topics by day. I’ll give you 4 positive affirmations each evening via email. Jot down the affirmation that resonates with you the most on your summary page for that day. Speak your chosen affirmation out loud in the mirror the next morning. Then, repeat it to yourself in your mind as many times as possible throughout the day.
Try to really take an action or actions that align with your chosen affirmation and be mindful of its purpose.  At the end of the challenge, you’ll receive a pdf with all the affirmations so you can reference anytime. I’ll also share the affirmations with you each morning via a quick video in our private Facebook group, which you’ll have access to once you sign up.
Click here for a great article for more in-depth information on the benefits of positive affirmations.
And please remember that although this is a challenge, do not beat yourself up for missing a day. That defeats the purpose of letting go of negativity!
Join us by signing up below. Cheers to positive change!

Challenge Starts March 25th!

* indicates required
Email Address *
First Name
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