Arts, Leisure & Wellness

2020 Advice Aplenty

I don’t generally measure my success or failure within the parameters of a year. It is a convenient and measurable construct, so I get it. Of course I have set intentions and even resolutions in years past. Not really doing that this year. This year, I’m serving advice, unsolicited, honest advice in the form of what I can do better with. Here goes.

Be a better communicator.

I suck at communicating in a lot of ways. I think pride gets in my way. I’ve been working on it and will continue to.

Be yourself.

I always try to be authentic. If people judge me for being too silly or lighthearted or having no depth, they don’t really know me. I’m very self aware, flaws and all. It’s refreshing when other people are as well.

Be more open.

It takes me a long time to make new friends. I feel like I test them for their loyalty because I’m a fiercely loyal friend. I shouldn’t expect me from people but I do… I need to remember that a surface level friend, may still be a good friend. Not all relationships have to be deep.

Know your worth.

I tend to low-ball my value in terms of potential and in terms of what I bring to other’s lives. Funny, because I’m generally confident. Imposter syndrome is real! Another thing I’ve been working on and will continue with, likely for the rest of my life.

Have a servant’s heart.

If you’re too busy thinking of ways to help others, you’re less likely to focus on yourself and you can get out of your own head! Love other people more. This will also help change the world.

Forgive more.

Nobody is the best version of themselves at all times. Most of us are just trying to live our best lives and our human nature gets in our own way. Usually when people know better, they do better. Give them the chance. They may never ask you to forgive them. Forgive them anyway. You are not perfect. Neither am I.

Anyway, if you have resolutions, honor them. Do you. Good luck. If not, fantastic. Keep being you. May we all have a Happy New Year and live it up in 2020!! 🍾❤🎉God bless.

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